Sunday 12 August 2012

C Programming Language - Topics

C Programming Language - Topics

C is one of  the Procedure Oriented Programming Language. If you want to Learn the Programming Languages , start with C.

Here are some of the Topics of  C Programming Language

 1. Problem Solving using Computer
 2. Introduction to Programming
 3. Algorithm & Flowchart
 4. Introduction - Getting Startred with C - Executing C Program
 5. Programming Constructs - Variables, Expression and Data Types
 6. Operators : Arithmetic, Relational, Logical and unary Operators
 7. Input & Output Functions , Promotion & Conversion of Data Types
 8. Control-Flow Branching Statements
 9. Control-Flow Looping , Jump Statements
10. Arrays
12. Pointers
13. Functions
14. Library Functions
15. Functions for Strings
16.Passing Data to Functions
17. Working with File
18. Structure & Union

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